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Information on books by Fisal Ally below
I'm originally from Guyana, South America and grew up in Canada. In Guyana as a boy I lived in Essequibo, La Penitence, New Amsterdam and other places. I've lived in Edmonton for most of my life. I've also lived and went to school in Toronto as a boy for a short time, and lived and work in Toronto for a few years. I also lived in New York for a few months.
The original book Savitri's Garden was completed around the year 2003 and was updated in 2005. As I researched more and found alot of historical facts, I turned the novel into a historical fiction recreating history and the novel continued to grow. In 2010 I broke the novel down into 3 parts. From about 15 years of researching, editing and writing and putting in lots of effort, dedication and time , the original book became 'The Trilogy of Savitri's Garden'. It also comes with a study guide...update Sep4, 2022 at 3:17pm
All of my books can be downloaded for Free. Go to and do a search for Fisal Ally
On July 5, 2022, I discontinued the website. Most of the content on that website is the same as what's on The contents from have been archived except for some recent updates.
( Book 1, Part I: The famine had begun in the summer of 1837, devastating the North Western Provinces of India. The monsoon was deceptive, betraying hundreds of thousands. Many were dying and starving.
In December 1837, two young men, Vishnu and Kalil, had set out on a journey to find the riches of El Dorado. On the way from the Maya baazar in Awadh to board the Whitby ship docked in the Hugli River in Kolkata, they came upon an Armenian man who was procuring laborers from the hills of Chota Nagpore to export to the British Colonies.
The first novel of the trilogy of Savitri’s Garden, India to the Americas 1838, is a novel reminiscing on the journey of the first group of Indian laborers to have arrived in the Americas. The story outlines the suffering and success of a people, where many were torn from their families through deceptions and kidnappings, and taken into the Americas to work on a five-year labor contract; some had also left by choice to escape poverty, famine and persecution. Savitri, her mother and brother were on the voyage to the New World against their wishes. Her mother had died during the journey, and Savitri and her brother were left on their own to endure the pain and suffering of losing their mother. Upon arriving on the South American continent in British Guiana to commence their labor producing sugar for the rest of the sweet-toothed world, Savitri saw hope in the rich soil of the colony.
Her eyes shifted back to the plant. “I will plant you here,” she whispered, lifting her body from the tree stump, once used by the enslaved Africans as a tool bench. She got down on her knees, and spent half an hour clearing away the shrubs surrounding the pond, and then dug a small hole in the earth and planted the withered marigold plant. She wiped a tear from her eyes and a glow appeared on her face as she gazed at the plant. She wanted to keep her mother’s memories alive on the new land. )
( Book 1, Part II: Upon arriving in the colony of British Guiana, located northeast of the South American continent, on May 5, 1838, immediately the hardships began. Back in India, an official ban on emigration from India had taken place, when the Government of India had learned that many of the Indians on the the two ships, the Whitby and Hesperus, were deceived and kidnapped into boarding the ships. The wrong class of Indian laborers was shipped to the colony to work in the sugarcane fields; the recruiters had grabbed anybody they could get to pack the ships. In Guiana, like the Portuguese, Germans and other groups, the Indians also had a hard time adapting to planation and agricultural life, and there were also many deaths due to tropical diseases. To save their sanity, Savitri, Kalil and their friends wanted to see Georgetown, hoping that they would cross path with their other friends that were working on the other plantations. They did not meet up with their friends. Life went on and at one of their get togethers on the plantation, one of the cooks named, Janhair, was induced into eating pork, which was against his beliefs. Due to the harsh working conditions, many of the laborers had ended up in the hospital, there were also many deaths in the colony. The whip was used on many and there were many escapes from the plantations. )
Book2: After the Amerindian (American Indian), Rupununi Cuyuni, had tuned into the Great Spirit, Makunaima, and learned about the storm that was about to inundate the Bellevue Estate, he had encouraged the others to work ahead of the storm to get the sugarcanes cut. But only Kalil Ansari had taken him seriously and both of them had spent a few days working past midnight to get their assigned duties completed. Just before the storm hit, Savitri had learned about the boy she had liked. The devastated storm had brought them together and True Love had begun to unfold, as many were forced to work through the storm to save the sugarcanes including the unburned area that was almost ready for harvesting; sickness had prevailed during the devastation. During the cookout, a plantation manager from another estate had his eyes set on Savitri, being the pretty Indian girl she was. Then the unexpected happen, when she was taken away to work on the other estate. Her friends wanted to find her before she was harmed by the manager that requested her services.
Book 3: Their five year labor contract was up and Kalil Ansari returned to India to see his family. He had promised the girl whom he was in love with that he would return to the colony to be with her. But then another ban had taken place in India, and now Kalil and the girl were severed from each other by the great oceans. While stranded in India, Kalil wanted to find the duffadar who had deceived his friends into boarding the ship to Guiana back in 1838, taking them away from their families for over five years, and where many had died. A few more years went by, and the ban was lifted; Kalil returned to the colony to work as an indentured laborer, hoping that the girl was still waiting for him.
During my research and writing of the Trilogy of Savitri’s Garden over the past sixteen years, I came across some very important information, which I will share with you in this study guide. This information will change your perception of who the Indians were that entered British Guiana Guyana starting back on May 5, 1838. We often hear that the derogatory label “coolie” being used for Indians is a false label, but we’re not certain why. The label “coolie” in Guyana (British Guiana) stemmed from this first group of Indian laborers that left India through the Port of Kolkata, journeying across the Indian and Atlantic Oceans and into the Americas. The label had taken root in Guyana and seeded throughout the colony. Today this derogatory label is deep rooted in the Guyanese culture, from every branch and leaves throughout this beautiful garden country. This degradation must be uprooted.
In the Trilogy of Savitri’s Garden and in this study guide, I explained how this label had taken wings from India during the request for Indian laborers by the British planters, and as the ships traveled across the oceans. The label became planted in the colony and its history.
I encourage you to study this book and share this information with others, educating them on this topic. Originally, while I was writing this novel, I had just wanted to write a novel, but the novel kept evolving into a Trilogy. I spent more time researching to make the novel more realistic, which I had not initially planned for. Then the real events and real characters entered the novel. I have gained a lot of very important knowledge throughout the years, and I believe that I have debunked the use of the derogatory label “coolie” being used for the Indians in Guyana, presenting important information for readers to learn and reflect on.
The samples provided in this study guide came from the Trilogy of Savitri’s Garden, and may be modified in upcoming revisions. In this study guide, the spellings of Calcutta and Kolkata, Guiana and Guyana, and other names such as Hindustan and India are used interchangeably.
There will be some updates and corrections to this study guide. If you are interested in these updates, please send me an email, and I will place you on our email list and keep you informed. If you have any suggestions, please forward them to me.
I will be expanding my knowledge in this area by writing more on this topic. Furthermore, I will be putting on some enjoyable and knowledgeable online courses on this topic and similar topics. I hope you will join me on our journey and quest for knowledge on this subject by studying this study guide and sharing it with others. Please send me an email if you would like more information on the upcoming online courses. Hopefully you will also have an opportunity to delve into the love story presented in the novels in The Trilogy of Savitri’s Garden...Fisal Ally
This book is an account of the stories revealed to the author by Mohammed Mustapha on his life with Salima and the pets that had entered their lives. Relatives of Mustapha had also provide some of the accounts. Although this is a story about cats, the pages also paints a love story of Mustapha and Salima and the hardships they had faced later in life while living in New York.
Two short excerpts
A moment of silence and a surge of emotions filled her. “I’m not in agreement with this arrangement.” She was abrupt. “I’m not giving my consent.”
He swallowed, sipping his tea. He remained calm. He had prepared himself mentally, knowing that there was a possibility that she was still not interested in marriage. “And you made your decision?” he asked, calmly.
For a moment, Salima was wrapped up in silence. She shrugged and then said, “Yes, I have made my decision. You’re not for me and I’m not for you,” she said abruptly. “I’m not ready for marriage.”
The site of the kitten took her breath away. She stooped down and his bright shining green eyes came into view as if his eyes were illuminated from the inside. The kitten purred and lifted his head. Their eyes met for the very first time. Salima gasped and a sudden panic filled her eyes, witnessing the condition the two-month-old kitten was in. Her body stiffened as the kitten bristled with fright. She gasped in horror. Her body froze upon witnessing the blood dripping from the kitten’s mouth. His whimpering grew and a surge of emotions filled her, seeing the fright radiating from the kitten as his body shivered.
Some of the original names were changed in the first edition. The First Edition from December 25, 2012.
I began dabbling in song writing at age 13/ 14, and continued through out the years. Starting in 2011, I was shocked to see similar parts to my songs with songs coming from the mainstream industry as mentioned in many of my writings.
The Backbiters
It was around the year 2011 when I began hearing similarities to my songs and then later to my books and when I speak up, someone is always trying to harass me so I remain silent. They backbite and try to get people I know to turn against me and harass me, but they've all failed badly because I know what they are up to and I know what to look for, and I report most of it in the Diverse City Magazines with many of the similarities. Some examples of the similarities are on the Music page. I have no doubt that this was all done by racists of Edmonton and St. Alberta to show hate towards people like myself as diversity began to engulf Edmonton with a big change in demographics, which some hate to see happening. Hate always loose in the end..F. Ally; Aug 27, 2002 at 10:12pm; updated Sep1, 2022. Update sep4, 2022 at 3:21pm
Recipe Book
I will soon upload my mom's recipe book with Guyanese (Guyana) cuisines such as Curry (Indian), Pepperpot (American Indian), Chowmein, Bake and Salt Fish, Banga Mary and many more
I will be putting the links to "Adventures of the Cotton Field Kids"; and "The Cotton Field Kids Mysteries" (9 books)
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